Internal Dialogue. Are You Listening or Telling?


How often do you struggle with thoughts in your head? Have you grappled with how to keep yourself motivated? Are you second-guessing past decisions? Do you find it difficult to navigate choices?

Have you considered that part of why some of these items can be difficult is that you may be listening to an internal dialog rather than telling yourself what needs to be done? Our internal dialog is an interesting phenomenon and is typically informed by our past. I would guess that struggle with things from our less than perfect personal history.

Our personal history is real, informative, and important to understanding where we are. We can choose to live in or learn from the past. This choice informs and influences our present, which in turn will have an effect on our future. Here is an example from my life:

For years I struggled with self-image. Growing up I was always one of the heavier kids among my peers. I played football and was too heavy, by league standards, to play the position I really wanted. I could not keep up with the fast pace on the basketball court. On the baseball field, I was often put in right-field where the action was not likely to come my way. I did not let these situations allow me to play the role of a victim. At the same time, it did leave me with some negative thoughts about my physique and abilities. This informed my internal dialog for years…and I allowed myself to listen.

Now, as an adult, I am in a better place physically, emotionally, and mentally. I got here by telling myself to push through the negative internal dialog…stop listening to the voices in my head from my childhood and younger adult years. I cannot wait to be motivated, rather I am going to be intentional and disciplined. Yet, daily I still struggle with the negative thoughts. I often find my internal voice trying to talk me out of working out, eating well, having quiet time, keeping up with reading, and more.

Our internal dialog should not be ignored as it can keep us from danger. Our internal dialog should also be tempered with an understanding of reality, the likelihood of certain “bad” things from happening (playing the “odds” game"), and telling ourselves we are capable of more than we realize.

This is not a “name it and claim it” message. I want to encourage all of us to pursue our dreams and aspirations wholeheartedly. In that pursuit, put in the blood, sweat, and tears. Success comes from fighting through the learning curve of new endeavors and persevering through the times when you just want to throw something across the room because the task in front of you seems undaunting.

Remember that if success was easy, everyone would be successful. Find your niche. What is it that keeps you moving forward? What is the challenge that when you overcome it, you get a sense of elation and accomplishment? Make it happen!

I am offering my services to those who may be interested in leadership mentoring and/or coaching. If you have an interest, feel free to start a conversation with me at