Motivation, How Can I Get Some?


How many motivational phrases have you heard? If you are anything like me, motivation can be great…for a time. Motivation can set my passions on fire, then disappear just as fast as it came on. Motivation is an emotional response and not a purposeful decision.

I have lost count of how many conferences, retreats, or speeches I have attended where I come out telling myself that I will make this or that change. I will be more consistent in some areas of weakness. I will be a better father, friend, lover, worker, a man of faith…or whatever the message was about. I would be convinced that the opportunity is right there for me to take.

Then, Monday morning hits, and I am back into the same old routine. I slide back into my comfort zone. I get caught up in the daily routine.

This is part of the reason I have not gone to a motivational event for years. Motivation does nothing long-term for me. If you are like me, there is something else needed to drive success and significant life. Three words come to mind:

  • Intentionality --> conscious, deliberate, knowing, purposeful

  • Discipline --> instruct, educate, train, teach

  • Persistence --> ceaselessness, continuance, durability, endurance

None of these words have any emotional ties. There is nothing short-term or time-constrained about these ideas. These words refer to honing yourself without regard to your emotional state. The ideas embodied by these words are all about doing rather than feeling.

I strive to put aside motivation. If it is there, great! We have goals to reach, people to love and care for, an impact to make in this world. The only thing stopping me is me. If our single driving force is motivation the passion to take necessary actions will fade. I need to ensure I am intentional, practice discipline, and am persistent. I will make strides every day (no matter how small) towards where I need to be.

I have gone through some significant life changes in the past 5 years. I found mentors who have helped me in each step of the journey. Two of them have become close personal friends. Some of them influence me through consistent messages in their podcasts. I would not be where I am without that help. None of us is an island, we cannot grow on our own.

Stick with me over the next few posts. I will address each of the three keywords mentioned above. In the meantime here is something to consider. I am offering my services to those who may be interested in leadership mentoring or coaching. If you have an interest, feel free to start a conversation with me at